Awareness programme on prevention of child labour
Awareness program on prevention of child labour organised by SARVAM for 100 students.
Christmas celebrations at SARVAM
Around 300 students from the 12 project villages of SARVAM participated in the Christmas celebrations.
Effective volunteer engagement for sustainability and growth
An interactive workshop for Community Volunteers on ethics teaching.
Investing in Early Childhood Development
A session on parental awareness in Investing in early childhood development and its influence in childhood and adult years.
Effective volunteer engagement for sustainability and growth
Capacity building program on effective volunteer engagement for sustainability and growth.
International Volunteer Day
2 days – Various programs held for international volunteer day for 300 women volunteers in 12 villages.
World Computer Literacy Day
An awareness & motivational programme on Computer literacy for 60 students and 20 volunteers & coordinators.
Awareness programme on ending violence against women and girls
A two-day awareness programme on violence against women for 400 women and 500 students.
Building a Positive Reputation in Community Work
A two-day Train the Trainer programme conducted for 25 Auro Sakhis and Coordinators.
World Children Day
A Poster Activity on World Children Day and Day of Prayer and Action for Children(DPAC).
Children’s Day Celebrations at SARVAM
A weeklong celebration on account of Children’s day.
Capacity building exercise by TISS
A one-day training programme by TISS faculty on capacity building to the coordinators and volunteers.
Workshop on skills needed to work under pressure
A one-day workshop on the skills needed to workunder pressure for SARVAM coordinators and volunteers.
World Food Day Celebrations
A weeklong celebration on account of World Food Day.
International Day for Poverty Eradication
A weeklong celebration on account of International Day for Poverty Eradication.
Distribution of Scholarship and livelihood support
Scholarships for students and livelihood support for SHG woman totally worth Rs. 86,000.
Awareness program on International Heart Day
SARVAM villages observed international heart day with programs promoting awareness about the importance of a healthy heart and preventing diseases.
Awareness program on Eat Right & Eat Fortified
One liner about the workshop or event: Eg: SAS was bestowed with the “Award of Excellence” at the 26th Internatinal Yoga Festival
Observing World Peace Day at the SARVAM villages
A 5-day awareness programme organised on account of World Peace Day.
US Consulate General’s Cultural Affairs Officer visits SARVAM
Two-day visit of Scott E. Hartmann, The Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General, Chennai.