Empowering Women through Sustainable Entrepreneurship Training


Location:Gandhi Gram Rural University, Dindigul

Approximately 25 women volunteers attended sustainable entrepreneurship training at Gandhi Gram Rural University in Dindigul.

Gandhi Gram Rural Institute is active on campus and rural areas, benefitting and enriching one another. The curriculum is a combination of theoretical, practical, and extension experiments. The Institute has become home to many pioneering models of rural development programmes. The students and scholars who emerge from its portals meet the personnel needs of rural development programmes under various governmental and non-governmental organizations.

As part of the ToT initiative, more than 25 female volunteers are being taught sustainable entrepreneurship by expert trainers. Sustainable entrepreneurship training allowed women to make money, better their financial situation, and give back to their communities. It encouraged women to take on leadership responsibilities, make decisions, and break free from established gender norms. Furthermore, the program emphasized that sustainable business promotes social and environmental responsibility, allowing women to not only better themselves but also benefit the world around them.

The training centred on the problems of female entrepreneurship. The trainer mentioned that some challenges women may face when starting sustainable businesses include a lack of capital and financial resources, societal expectations and stereotypes that limit their mobility and power within the business ecosystem, and discrimination or gender-based barriers. According to the trainer, these obstacles can hinder women’s capacity to create and build their enterprises, resulting in slower progress and fewer prospects for growth. Furthermore, the trainer stated that women may confront a gender pay gap and have fewer networking possibilities, limiting their growth in sustainable business.

The trainer described how to solve the challenges of starting a business, what easy trades that women can do, how to train rural women to earn money, and how to market the business. Teaching rural women to make money is crucial because it allows them to become financially independent and improve their socioeconomic standing. It enables them to contribute to the economy, lessen their reliance on male family members, and make financial decisions for themselves. Furthermore, when rural women have financial security, they are more inclined to invest in their own education, health, and that of their family, thus ending the cycle of poverty.

During the training sessions, the trainer and the trainees participated in practical demonstrations of phenyl, detergent powder, tile cleaning, soap oil, and various food products. Actual meetups in training sessions are highly beneficial because they provide participants with hands-on experience and allow them to see the actual application of theoretical information. Participants gained a better knowledge of concepts, methodologies, and procedures by actively participating

 in practical demonstrations, which improved their comprehensionand retention of information. Furthermore, practical demonstrations allow participants to use their knowledge and skills in real-world circumstances, preparing them for practical application in their professional lives.

Apart from the excellent training, the participants had a fresh experience. They were motivated to pursue entrepreneurship activities and train their community members after spending two days in a well-maintained setting with decent food. Group discussions, success stories, role-play jingle production and slogan writing assisted them in learning the main topics in the program. Participants returned home with renewed vigour.

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