Workshop on Food Safety & Nutrition Security

Date: 12-Jul-2022

Location: Society House

Valuable and timely nutrition knowledge is the foundation on which effective interventions and programmes can be built to improve the food and nutritional status of the people.

SARVAM held a two-day workshop on food safety and nutrition security. The workshop’s primary purpose was to build the knowledge capacity on food safety and hygiene of the Auro Sakhis and coordinators.

The workshop focused on providing training and practical experiences through some activities and group discussions.

The workshop began with a session with Mr Veluraj, Associate Professor. He oriented the participants on understanding the importance of health and the effects of medications on nutritious food. The participants engaged in various group exercises. Some interesting topics for the role-play were

  • Junk foods among the children.
  • Women not preparing food because of TV serials.
  • Family not eating or doing anything together because of the fast world.
  • Kitchen garden by the women groups

After the role-play, participants were again divided into groups and had discussions on the following:

The most commonly consumed food in their villages

Most commonly mixed dishes and the ingredients mixed in those dishes

Available seasonal foods 

Mr. Lawrence, Food Safety Officer, gave a brief presentation on Food safety and the importance of hygiene. He covered topics such as

  • Food Safety
  • Prevention, detection and managing of food-borne diseases
  • Packaging methods
  • Safer food and good health

Day one of the workshop concluded with a question and answer session.

Day two of the workshop began with a recap of day one observations. To stimulate the discussion, the trainer asked the participants some engaging questions.

In order to inculcate healthy eating habits, the participants discussed quick recipes such as green salad and fruit salad. The participants also discussed consuming tasty, wholesome, easy-to-prepare, inexpensive foods.

During the two-day workshop, emphasis was laid on the importance of exercise for good health. The team discussed creating health groups and strong social networks. Transferring of knowledge from the elderly in the community was also discussed.

The action plan about creating a small kitchen garden in all the houses and sound nutritional practices that must be followed regularly to ensure mental well-being were finalised.

The workshop concluded on a positive note and with an understanding that more awareness should be created and they should be followed meticulously within the community.

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