International yoga day celebrations @ SARVAM

Date: 19-Jun-2022

Location: 12 various villages

In a very simple but effective way, Sri Aurobindo once defined yoga in these words – “A change of consciousness is the whole meaning of the process of Yoga.” At their most practical level, yogic practices facilitate balance and health and thus help unfold our dormant potential. They help us to become more aware of ourselves, of the various movements within our various parts – body, mind, emotions — and thus facilitate a greater degree of integration and connection.

SARVAM has been celebrating International Yoga Day for the past six years. This year, they enthusiastically celebrated the seventh International Yoga Day on 19th June 2022. The purpose of Yoga Day is to teach the children the importance of yoga in their everyday life and to help them understand how to maintain harmony between body and mind.

Volunteers organized an event to explain the benefits of yoga to students. Yoga, they said, will help them achieve better mental and physical health. Around 400 children gathered in 12 villages as small groups and performed simple asanas, assisted by volunteers.

After that, the students performed a few warm-up poses and simple asanas. The volunteers explained the benefits of those postures.

The students and volunteers felt positive energy inside and around them after the event.

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