International Museum Day Celebrations

Date: 18-May-2022

Location: Satyam Community Centre

Every year May 18th marks International Museum Day.  With society facing poverty, inequality, intolerance, and discrimination, museums are essential tools for understanding and addressing these issues.  Especially for children, museums introduce them to unknown worlds, spark their imagination, and provide valuable learning experiences.

Keeping this factor in mind, On May 18th 2022, Sarvam conducted an awareness cum drawing program for the young students who completed the exams.  Between the age group of 10 and 13, about 700 students from 12 villages participated in this programme.

It was explained to the students that museums bring out our ancestors’ hidden and untold history.  The aim was to educate the students and their role in spreading the importance of museums to future generations.  There was a healthy debate and conversation about museums and their related aspects among the children and the coordinators.

As a community of early childhood educators and families, we know—as Pablo Picasso pointed out— ”All children are artists.  ”Introducing children to new experiences, such as art, can be one of the ways to help them hold onto their artistic and creative side.

The coordinators showed various photographs of museums to the children.  Later, the children drew museums of their choice and imagination.  The children enthusiastically created multiple drawings.  A group discussion was conducted, and the children explained their pictures.

This one-day museum tour sitting in their place was a delightful and creative experience for every student.  Moreover, the students took an oath to visit museums wherever they travel; to understand India’s culture, tradition, heritage, history and the world.

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