Women’s Day Celebrations by SARVAM

Date: 05—09 Mar, 2021

Location: Satyam Community Centre, Poothurai

SARVAM celebrates Women’s Day with great splendor and happiness every year. Women are given wider opportunities throughout the year and special importance is given to women on their enhancement on various aspects.  In this pandemic period also many programs were conducted for women.


On the first day of the Women’s Day celebrations, 75 vulnerable women were invited to Satyam Community Centre in Poothurai village and a motivation programme was conducted for them. This programme was a half-a-day session during which the importance of women and the role they play in today’s world was narrated. All these vulnerable women were motivated to involve in various activities that could instill self-confidence in them.

In the afternoon many games and activities were conducted for women and they enjoyed it.


During the second day of the programme, leadership training for 50 housewives belonging to various were organized. More emphasis was given to leadership training and activities were conducted to augment the leadership skills. All these women were trained on how to gain respect from the family and in the community so that they can lead their life with a positive meaning.

In the afternoon activities and games were conducted that stressed the importance of body language and communication and this helped the women to learn new skills.  They had very much enjoyed the program and requested to conduct these types of programs on a regularly.


On account of International Women’s Day, Shanthi Ashram conducted online training for many women and from SARVAM, 40 women participated in this online meet.  The role of women in shaping the nation, community, and family was explained in detail, and women were asked to always aim high in their life so that all will respect them. Various success stories and successful women gave a motivational talk during the session and it motivated all the participants.


With the theme’ Leaders Multiply Leaders’, a programme for 100 women was organized in the Satyam village centre. The main objective of this programme is to create more women leaders in the village so that they will help other women in the villages to become leaders. A successful women entrepreneur and a trainer were invited to the program and they gave a talk on the importance of women in society.

The 100 women were then divided into smaller groups and games, activities were conducted that helped them to groom their leadership skills.  Many videos were shown to the women during the training and they were asked to indulge in role plays. The importance of leadership skills and how women have to instill leadership skills were explained in detail. This programme was much useful for the women and they felt that their leadership skills have been identified and nurtured through this programme.


On behalf of Women’s day celebrations, a program with the theme of how prayer helps in one’s life was conducted for 20 participants which included 10 women coordinators and 10 women volunteers from the villages. They were asked to share their experiences and the role of the prayer during the COVID-19 period. They explained how collective prayer and individual prayer helped them to improve the life during the pandemic period.

Smaller activities and group activities were conducted and they were asked to create a theme for their roles in the coming years.  They were given some ideas to improve the lives of women especially for the vulnerable.

On all days of the celebrations, food and snacks were provided to everyone.

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