Distribution of Digital kits to Digital Sakhis

Date: 02-Oct-2020

Location:Satyam Community Centre, Villupuram

SARVAM, in association with L&T Financial Services, Mumbai has implemented a project called Digital Sakhi which focusses on providing awareness on Digital Financial Literacy. After having successfully completed the first batch, the second round of the project was sanctioned for SARVAM, and all works related to the Digital Sakhi project was done even during the lockdown period. Identification and selection of appropriate candidates, profiling, and training the newly-selected Digital Sakhis took place virtually during the lockdown period.  After the unlock began, these Digital Sakhis have started the door-to-door visits and started training people in the villages.

On 2nd October 2020, a programme was organized at the Satyam Community Centre at Poothurai village to handover the Digital Tablets and Kits to the Digital Sakhis.

Digital Tablets were distributed to 50 Digital Sakhis directly in Satyam Community Centre, Poothurai. By maintaining the SOP given by the Government, Digital Sakhis were duly scanned by thermal scanning, provided with hand Sanitizer and face mask while entering the campus. Proper social distancing was maintained throughout the programme.

The programme started around 1.30 p.m. and was successfully completed at 5.30 p.m. All DS interacted with each other and this forum helped them to introduce themselves to each other. Some of the old Digital Sakhis were speaking with the new Digital Sakhis and they were sharing their experiences. This motivated and helped the new Digital Sakhis to gain confidence and they also learned how to achieve success.

All the Digital Sakhis were happy to receive the Digital Tablet and Kits and they were excited to start training village people with the help of it. They said that they are feeling proud to be a part of this wonderful project and they were thankful to LTFS and Sarvam for the support and motivation which they provide.

The event turned out to be a great platform for all the Digital Sakhis to interact and learn from each other. Motivation classes were also conducted during the session and all the Digital Sakhis went home with great confidence and hope that they can attain success and achieve their targets.

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