Access Training of Trainers (ToT) at SARVAM

Date: 21-Sep-2018

Location: Satyam Centre, Poothurai Village


Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement (SARVAM, an initiative of Sri Aurobindo Society) has been conducting English Access Microscholarship Programme since 2013, through which the students in the village learn English language through varied activities and mediums. This Program is being conducted in association with US Consulate, Regional English Language Office (RELO) and FHI 360 for the village students. As a part of the Access Program, various American English language trainers, scholars and experts periodically visit SARVAM centre to train teachers and students on new methodologies and approaches to learn and teach English.

On September 21, 2018, a PhD English Language Teaching (ELT) specialist conducted a Training of Trainers (ToT) at the Satyam centre of the SARVAM facilitated by Literacy Instilled For Eternity (LIFE) Academy. LIFE is an organization that works to create a prolific knowledge in English through their various programmes.

Training for SARVAM Access Teachers

This training aimed at providing teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to support young SARVAM students through the delivery of engaging and motivating lessons. It focused on aspects such as inculcating the skills children need to be able to learn effectively and managing classroom interaction. The sessions also included aspects such as aptitudes development, evaluation, and assessment which were explored through media-rich content. The programme was planned as one-day training with four sessions.

The Result

The training provided the English teachers at SARVAM varied and productive ideas for teaching English to young learners by creating a visually rich classroom and by involving students in classroom routines and processes. The training has enriched their potential and confidence to develop content both in spoken and written English.

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