SARVAM observes National Housewife’s Day


Location:Satyam Community Centre, Poothurai

In recognition of the stay-at-home mothers, SARVAM organized a refresher programme for the stay-at-home mothers in their project villages.  Around 125 rural women from the project villages participated in this refresher programme.

This day is observed every year on November 3rd to recognize the millions of hardworking housewives.  The day honours the stay-at-home moms caring for the children and the home.  This job is a 24/7 job and mostly a thankless one.

The programme designers aimed to update housewives with the latest trends and technologies.  It included topics such as the importance of health, financial literacy, skill training, savings, etc.

The women actively participated in the games organized during the programme.  These activities allowed the participants to interact with each other and build relationships.  They also provided an opportunity to get to know each other better and build trust.  The activities were well-received and considered valuable experiences.

With real-life examples, the trainer explained the importance of women in the family and their responsibilities.  She emphasized women’s role in shaping the family’s future and setting an example for their children.  She also stressed the importance of women’s education and empowerment.  Finally, she spoke on empowering women by providing them with the necessary resources and support.

The organizers provided refreshments and snacks during the event.  The women shared their stories and experiences during the snack break.  They were also encouraged to stay connected with their community and to participate in future events.

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