Effective volunteer engagement for sustainability and growth

Date: 16-Dec-2022

Location: Satyam Community Centre

SARVAM conducted capacity-building programmes for 30 volunteers and coordinators.  In the capacity building program, 30 volunteers and coordinators participated since volunteers from all villages are crucial to the success of SARVAM’s programmes and projects.  The training was focused on leadership through change and conflict management and creating a positive environment for new ideas, as well as continuous motivation and recognition.

A quote says, “As we seek to build capacities and to help the new agenda to take root, volunteerism can be another powerful and cross-cutting means of implementation.  Volunteerism can help expand and mobilize constituencies and engage people in planning and implementing sustainable development goals.  Furthermore, volunteer groups can help to localize the new agenda by providing new areas of interaction between governments and people for concrete and scalable actions”.  The volunteer group’s training was designed with all these criteria in mind.

In every corner of the world, millions of ordinary citizens give off their time to volunteer, aiding Sustainable Development Goals in a meaningful yet often under-recognized way.

As a way of honouring and motivating the volunteers, SARVAM organized a capacity-building training program.

The trainer focused on the following points.

  • Volunteers play a crucial role in bringing good ideas to life.  Highlight their contributions.
  • Motivate the volunteer on the followup and review processes.
  • Recognition for the crucial role of volunteers
  • Supports the participation of volunteers in all the village needs activities
  • Integrate community consultation at all levels, including representation of marginalized voices and the volunteers closest to them.
  • To ensure accountability, transparency, and review of volunteers.

The participants gained a deeper understanding of the issues through group discussion, storytelling, role-playing, and play activities.  They were motivated to continue volunteering in their villages and to bring in more young volunteers.

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