Orientation on Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga by Dr. Palanithurai

Date: 21-May-2022

Location: Satyam Community Centre, Poothurai

To commemorate the 150th year of Sri Aurobindo’s Birth Anniversary and the 75th year of India’s Independence, SARVAM, the rural development initiative of Sri Aurobindo Society, conducted a programme for the coordinators, Auro Sakhis and Volunteers in the Satyam Center on 21st May 2022. More than 30 coordinators who are a part of various projects of SARVAM attended this programme.

The resource person of this programme was Dr. Palanidurai, Professor from Gandhi Gram Rural University.

The main objective of this programme was to enlighten the women on Sri Aurobindo’s ideas and integrally work in the community. Dr. Palanidurai spoke on ”Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga”, which was very useful to all the women. They were able to feel positive energy.

Dr. Palanidurai highlighted the words of Sri Aurobindo in the manner in which one has to lead a simple life. Also, he explained Sri Aurobindo’s words on Mental Discipline, Physical Discipline and Discipline in Action.

He explained how thoughts must change; the behaviour and action must change with living examples. Also, he pointed out Sri Aurobindo’s words that individual transformation is a fundamental necessity for a community transformation.

He emphasized the words of Sri Aurobindo by saying that one must lead their life by helping others, doing the right activity, and doing in the right manner so that one can serve the people in the right way. When we help others with the right attitude, automatically, our life will be fruitful, and there will be a positive aura in our lives.

Dr. Palanidurai also spoke on various leaders who gave their lives for the freedom of India. He said about the diverse culture, language, religion, and caste that prevailed in India. He stressed that we must not differentiate ourselves based on caste, religion, or language. He said that we are all Indians and must lead our lives towards the success of our country rather than individual development. He also quoted Bharathiyar and Mahatma Gandhi during the meeting.

Sri Aurobindo’s words and other leaders’ quotes were the highlights of this meeting. This meeting was a tremendous eye-opener for the women. They went back to their villages with a will to start their service in the light of Sri Aurobindo.

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