Importance of Screening and Correction of ENT Challenges in Early Childhood

Date: 20-Dec-2021

Location: Online

Shanthi Ashram is organizing a series of online interactive sessions for the students and SARVAM is working along with Shanthi Ashram and helping students in the project villages to learn useful things by giving them an opportunity to attend these online sessions. On 20 December 2021, a session on ‘Importance of Screening and Correction of ENT Challenges in Early Childhood” was conducted on the ZOOM online platform from 3 to 4 .30 p.m. Around 20 young mothers from various project villages attended this session and learned a lot about ENT challenges in early childhood.

Most of the children are affected with ENT issues right from a young age and since there is no awareness amongst the parents, children are not given proper treatment and this leads to the severity of the disease. If the early ENT problems are diagnosed and treated, the ENT problems can be cured and children need not suffer throughout their life. This online programme aimed to provide the awareness amongst students and parents about ENT problems and help them be aware of the various symptoms so that they can avoid them and can approach doctors for a further cure.

Dr. Palaninathan S MS (ENT) is serving as the Head, Department of ENT in PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research and he has more than a decade of experience in handling children who have ENT problems. Dr. Palaninathan attended this online session as the Chief Guest and interacted with the participants on various aspects related to ENT problems and how they can be treated. With the help of videos and PowerPoint Presentations, he explained the various ways through which children can be treated easily and he also spoke about the symptoms and early diagnosis.

During and at the end of the session the mothers were able to correlate the problems of their children with what the doctor said.

All the mothers had lots of questions and doubts which were patiently handled by the team.  A special thanks to Ms. Ranisha, Nutrition Counselor, ICPH for organizing this programme.

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