Covid 19 Relief Activity


Location:Poothurai Village, Villupuram District

Service to mankind is service to God.  During this lockdown period, people in cities are themselves struggling a lot to get their daily essentials.  Though many of us ardently want to help the rural people, our hands are tied.  Even at this time of social distancing, SARVAM has been doing its job meticulously – serving the old and vulnerable of the neglected villages.

In the first phase of their work, with the guidance of Shri. Vijaybhai, the village coordinators have distributed food kits to 250 old and vulnerable people in the villages where SARVAM runs its project.

In addition to that, home-stitched face masks were given to the vulnerable people, which are stitched by the women entrepreneurs of the SARVAM project.

There are many old people and widows in the villages who require physical and monetary help for their day-today activities.  This being the case, the current lockdown situation has brought their life to misery.  SARVAM have put in their additional efforts in identifying these people and confirmed that their food kits reach these people on time. The beneficiaries felt, “a help in need is a help in deed.”

Each help kit was valued around Rs. 400/- and it consisted of the basic requirements like rice, dhal, atta and soap.  In addition to this, face masks were also provided to those who needed them.

These kits were distributed by the village coordinators. The safety of the coordinators were also ensured. They were asked to wear hand gloves, face masks and they strictly followed social distancing.

The students of the villages helped the team spread awareness about COVID-19.  The students demonstrated proper hand washing technique, methods of social distancing in an easy manner so that the majority of the illiterate people could understand easily.

In this first phase, around 250 people from Poothurai, Manaveli and Kasipalayam villages were benefitted.

The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray.

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