Women’s day Celebration


Location:Satyam Community Centre, Poothurai

“Women are the real architects of the society,” knowing this, on account of Women’s Day, SARVAM organized a programme where more than 200 women from Poothurai and other surrounding villages assembled in the Satyam Community Centre on 10th March 2020. Digital Sakhi’s, Women Entrepreneurs, Village Coordinators and few other women participated in the Women’s Day celebration..

Ms. Kalavisu, President and Ms. Lalithambigai, Member Executive of ‘Puduvai Women Protection Association was invited for the programme as the Chief Guest.  The Director of SARVAM welcomed the participants and in her welcome address, she insisted about the importance of time keeping and respecting each other.  The chief guest while addressing the gathering stressed the fact that women should take care of themselves while taking take care of their families.  She also spoke about the rights of women and women empowerment with examples. She interacted with all the participants in a friendly manner answering some of the participants’ questions at the same time getting her doubts also cleared from the participants.  This was very much useful for all the women and they understood various important aspects about women rights.

Another chief guest Ms. Lalithambigai explained about the role of women in the current scenario.   Digital Sakhis’ shared their experiences with others.

In continuation to this, indoor and outdoor games were conducted for women, which they enjoyed. Also a quiz programme was conducted for the participants by the resource person. This helped them to analyse their general knowledge skills and participants who answered the quiz felt very confident in them.

Altogether, this programme on Women’s Day was much useful for the women to share their thoughts with each other and also to have fun by keeping aside their families, their troubles and all their household chores away for some time.

“A woman is unstoppable after she realizes she deserves better,”  the women of the SARVAM team nailed it right.

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