Various Educational and Training Events for Women

Date: December 2014

Location: Villages under SARVAM, near Puducherry


SARVAM periodically organizes various training programmes for the women at village. These activities help the women to learn different skills which can be used for enhancing their economic situation and upgrading their skills base. A training session on Paper Craft and Jewelry-making was conducted for 40 women on December 26 at SATYAM campus. The trainer taught the women to make use of simple materials and prepare useful handmade accessories such as paper jewels and jewelry boxes. Easy step-by-step instructions were given to the women. All the women worked in pairs which helped them to learn fast and exchange ideas in preparing many useful accessories. This session helped the women augment abilities which they can easily pursue at home with their routine tasks, add beauty to their households and even market their products to contribute to their family incomes. They can also teach these skills to other women at village and improve their quality of life too by making this a community venture.

A motivation programme for 50 women was conducted on December 20 at the SATYAM campus. The main objective of the session was to train the women to face all kinds of difficult situations in life, to lead a happy, stress-free life

The women at village face several problems from different quarters and often they find themselves unequipped to face them due to a dearth of education and other support systems. This leads to too many stress-related issues, health problems, mental disorders and even depression-related suicides. The trainer instructed all the women participants to find strength within themselves and be confident in facing all situations.

SARVAM-Edu-Jan2015-04She simulated and enacted a problematic situation which women often face at home, as an example, and the participants were asked to discuss and come up their own ideas and solutions to overcome it. Most of the women discussed in pairs and came up with various kinds of answers to overcome the problems which they are facing. The most useful takeaways from this programme for these women were the fact that they are not weak or incapable in handling any kind of situation at home and in community AND that their fellow women would not only be understanding but helpful in times of need. This feeling of empowerment among women made the workshop a success.

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